1. Layfield announces the employment of Alex Gersch as Business Development Manager in Australia (Breaking News)
Layfield Environmental Containment is pleased to announce the employment of Mr. Alex Gersch as Business Development Manager based out of Adelaide, South Australia.
Contact: [email protected]
2. New EPA Guidelines for Wastewater Lagoon Construction – Issued November 2014 (Free Download)
EPA 509/14: This guideline replaces Wastewater and evaporation lagoon construction (2004). It advises those proposingto build wastewater lagoons on construction techniques that should assist in meeting obligations under the EnvironmentProtection Act 1993
3. Australia Pacific LNG Publish CSG water management plan including use of geomembrane liners (Declassified)
4. New Polymer Additive can Enhance the Environmental Stress Crack Resistance of HDPE Geomembranes
5. Rheological and Thermal Behavior of High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) at Different Temperatures (Free Download)
6. Overview of Geosynthetic Norms, Standards, ISO, CEN and more… From the Geosynthetic Interest Group (Free Download)
7. NSW EPA Publish Checklist for Geosynthetics and Containment Measures for use in Landfills (Free Download)
8. New Tender TBSC14/001 – Construction of new lined cell and leachate pond (QLD)
Tenders are invited for the construction of a new lined cell and leachate pond at the Kirknie Road landfill (QLD).Tenders close 5 January 2015 at 4 pm.Tender documentation is available by telephoning Anne McLaughlin on (07) 4783 9800 or via email [email protected]
9. Golders seeking Principal Civil Design Engineer Waste and Containment Job
10. New Landfill Cell Opens For Business in Queensland