Geomembranes used in Durable Pit Thermal Energy Storage

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GNA – The Most Widely Read Online Geosynthetics Publication
Time Sensitive Messaging for the Global Geosynthetics Industry

NEWSMAKERS: * AGRU * Basalt Geotextiles * Bryan Wedin * Bulk Hydrogen Storage * ExcelPlas * Digital News * Dipole Method * Earthtec * Fibromat * G quadrant * GeoAsia8 * Geotextile Tubes * Geo Tubes * GEOWEB Geocells * GNA * Hydrogen Storage * IAGI * INCOTELOGY GmbH * Leak Location Surveys * Lined Engineered Cavities (LEC) * Malaysia * Pit Thermal Energy Storage (PTES) * Polypropylene Geomembranes * PP-HTR * Presto Geosystems * PVC-P Geomembranes * Renewable Energy * Thomas Taylor

GNA is the Official Media Partner for GeoAsia8


Durable Pit Thermal Energy Storages Using Functional Geomembranes [PDF]
Flexible energy storages are an essential component for decarbonizing energy infrastructure. Due to storage temperatures of up to 95°C, the geomembranes are exposed to particularly high levels of environmental stress. The predicted lifetime is a fundamental basis for reliable project planning. New research shows that innovative PP-HTR geomembranes significantly outperform traditional polyethylene (PE)-based geomembranes.

Confidential Presentation on Pit Thermal Energy Storage – PTES by G quadrant Germany (Exclusive to GNA)


INCOTELOGY GmbH Presents its New Range of Geosynthetics and Basalt Fibre Products at InfraTech 2025

Norwegian Company Devise Method for Subsea Hydrogen Storage Using HDPE Liners and Polymer Pipes

Malaysian Geosynthetics Company to IPO in 2025 (Investment Opportunity for GNA Subscribers)

Only 8 days to Go to Submit Your GeoAsia8 Abstract

Increasing the Sensitivity of the Dipole Method in Geomembrane Leak Location Surveys: A Case Study [PDF]

Certifications for Quality Geosynthetic Containment

2027 Date Floated for Commissioning New Reservoir with Geomembrane Liner Underlain by a Non-woven Geotextile

Solmax Looking for Quality Manager for Houston Geomembrane Plant


New Webinar – Maximizing Ballast Life and Rail Performance with GEOWEB Geocells – Feb. 4


Thomas P. Taylor EARTHTEC (Colleyville, TX) Patents Novel Geosynthetic Reinforcing Strip as a Soil Reinforcing Stabilizer

Chinese Patent Novel Porous Biological Polymerizing Agent for Sediment Dewatering Using Geotextile Tubes in the Environmental Dredging of Rivers and Lakes


Effect of Scratches on Mechanical Properties and Impermeability of PVC-P Geomembranes [PDF]

Efficacy of Geomembranes in Advanced Seepage Mitigation Techniques in Earth Dams: A Case Study of Shahid Yaghoubi and Maloo Dams

An Integrated Strategy to Treat and Control Acid Mine Drainage from Waste Rock and Underground Workings at the Former Franklin Mine in Nova Scotia
The results confirm that the multi-layer, geomembrane-lined WRP cover system is an extremely effective barrier to air and water influx, thereby minimizing the rate of AMD

Application of Material Point Method in Modelling Soil-Geosynthetics Interactions-a Literature Survey


Design of MSE Wall with Geotextile Reinforcement for Temporary Mitigation of Landslide in Padang Panjang – Sicincin Road

Experimental Study on Shear Behaviour of Geotextile Encased Lime Energy Column – Soil Interface in Degraded Permafrost Environment


Geosynthetic Reinforced Embankment Design on Piles for Transportation Infrastructures: A European Code Comparison


Southern Geosynthetics Supplies New iglube™ Polymer Stormwater Management System for Massive Rainwater Harvesting Tank in Melbourne (Australia)
iglube 500,000L rainwater harvesting tank installed at Dunstan Reserve, West Brunswick where 980 iglube quad modules were installed by 6 workers in just 3 days !

Potential of HDPE Lined Engineered Cavities for Bulk Hydrogen Storage
HDPE exhibits strong potential as an impermeable liner material for lined engineered shafts (LES) for large-scale hydrogen storage at scales ranging from gigawatt-hours (GWh) to terawatt-hours (TWh)

Application of Concrete Canvas for Enhancing Railway Substructure Performance Under Static and Dynamic Loads

German Research Securing Banks Close to Nature with Biodegradable Geotextiles
“Bioshoreline” – funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture – the researchers, led by Fraunhofer UMSICHT, developed a biodegradable geotextile made from renewable raw materials


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We have extensive experience with all types of geosynthetics – from geomembranes (HDPE, LLDPE, fPP), geotextiles to geonets, geogrids, geocomposites, and geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs).
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  • To promote and educate on the development of specifications and practices that help ensure the proper use of geosynthetics.
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