Strategic agreement between Layfield and Burke Industries for the supply of CSPE Geomembranes in Australia
Cardno preparing design and documentation of five ponds for the Northern Water Treatment Plant (NWTP) of the QCLNG Upstream Project. This plant is required to manage the water and brine streams associated with the coal seam gas from the QGC Northern Gas field being developed for the Queensland Curtis LNG Project (QCLNG)—Northern-Water-Treatment-Ponds.aspx
Layfield supplied and installed an engineered evaporation control floating cover for Pioneer Resources in Texas. This is applicable to the Australian market since Australia also has an arid climate. The project is about a floating cover for a fresh water pond used in hydraulic fracturing operations.
More Information contact: Erich Rangel <[email protected]>
New Conference with focus on Geosynthetics in Mining (Geosynthetics Mining Solutions 2014)
Testing laboratories in China: dark practices and perverse effects
Cardno Brine Pond works include a clarified raw water storage pond (1,200 ML), a treated water pond (300 ML), an RO rejects pond (600 ML), a concentrated brine pond (1,000 ML) and a Spent IX pond (200 ML) and Sedimentation pond (220 ML)—Northern-Water-Treatment-Ponds.aspx
Solmax Conductive HDPE LIner Now Available in Thickness 1.0mm-2.5mm
Golder Brine and Sludge Pond Audit for Anglo Coal (Declassified)
Layfield upgrades main geomembrane manufacturing facility
GSE announces that Charles A. Sorrentino, a current member of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, has been appointed the Company’s permanent President and Chief Executive Officer, effective immediately
New ASTM D7006 – 03(2013) Standard for Ultrasonic Testing of Geomembranes to assess the condition of geomembranes and to identify defects in geomembranes including surface defects (for example, scratches, cuts), inner defects (for example, discontinuities within geomembranes), and defects that penetrate the entire thickness of geomembranes (for example, pinholes)
Comparison of the adhesion and shear tensile strength of needle-punched GCLs (New Publication)
Meinhardt designed two new waste cells for the City of Greater Geelong’s Drysdale Landfill -the use of a Geosynthetic Clay Liner (GCL) has delivered a 50% reduction in the overall thickness of the liner
Meinhardt engaged to design 2 cells as part Boral Western Landfill Cells 2L and 2M
Southern Waste Solutions (SWS) anticipates having the designs for the construction of the C Cell at the Copping landfill facility completed early next year.
Tasmania is the only state in Australia without a Category C waste disposal cell