AMCOL International Corporation Awarded Major Lining Supply Contract
President of Geosynthetic Materials Company Killed in Plane Crash
Stress Cracking Resistance of HDPE Geomembranes with Very High Densities by Dr. Ian D. Peggs
The Relining of the Floors of Two Thickener Tanks Used in the Extraction of Yellow Cake Uranium BY Craig Atherstone – South Africa
Geomembrane Stress Cracking Resistance Depending on the Polymer Used by Jose Miguel Muñoz Gomes – Spain
Love Canal Still Oozing 35 Years Later despite a $230 million cleanup that involved capping the canal with clay and a HDPE liner
Layfield Evaporation Control Floating Cover Project Profile – Upstream Oil & Gas
Seaman Corp develop XR Walkmat™ is a slip-resistant composite on reinforced geomembrane to enhance safety in high foot-traffic areas in all conditions.
The vibrant yellow composite is applied to XR-5-reinforced geomembrane and strips can be used on defined paths to increase accessibility on job sites.
Deterioration of Polyethylene Exposed to Chlorinated Species in Aqueous Phases: Test Methods, Antioxidants Consumption and Polymer Degradation
“Self-sealing evaporation ponds for small inland desalination facilities and containment equivalence concepts in Texas”
Evaporation ponds are a low-maintenance option for disposing of desalination concentrate, but cost may become an issue in the construction of pond liners. Currently approved pond liners include a three foot layer of in situ or compacted clay (with a hydraulic conductivity <10-7 cm/s) or a 30 mil geomembrane liner. An alternative liner may also be used if it can be demonstrated to achieve and maintain equivalent containment capabilities.
New HDPE Geomembrane Supplier in Currajong QLD
Terram develop Hi-Vis™ non-woven orange geotextile used for separating contaminated/uncontaminated soils.
The geotextiles has a dual effect: its vivid colour warns of potential danger at the point of any future excavations and it can also prevent the upward movement of contaminated soil particles.
Flinders Resources installed HDPE lined leach pad on Wetar Island
Sika develop SikaProof™ Bentonite is a needle-punched thermally locked Geosynthetic Clay Liner (GCL)
Iluka specify Impermeable HDPE liner to be placed within the turkeys nest to contain saline groundwater
Embankment reinforced with limited life geotextiles on soft clay
On the Use of Geotextile Filters in Heap Leach Pads (Free Download)