GNA – The Most Widely Read Online Geosynthetics Publication
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NEWSMAKERS: * Bioshoreline™ * Bulk Hydrogen Storage * Class Action * Concrete Canvas™ * ExcelPlas * Digital News * Fibromat * Fraunhofer * GeoAsia8 * Geotextile Tubes * GeoTube® * Gladstone Port Corporation * GNA * HeatGard™ * Hydrogen Storage * iglube™ * Layfield * Lined Engineered Cavities (LEC) * Maccaferri * Malaysia * NAUE * Renewable Energy * Solmax * Southern Geosynthetic Supplies * Tensar
GNA is the Official Media Partner for GeoAsia8
Competitive Landscape of The Geosynthetic Industry in Malaysia (Declassified) [PDF]
Solmax (Malaysia) and NAUE (Malaysia) both have over 40% Profit Margin while Maccaferri (Malaysia) is at 27% PM
Future of HDPE Liners for Lining Engineered Cavities for Bulk Hydrogen Storage [PDF]
Layfield Emerging as Strong Competitor to Solmax in Burgeoning Heat Pit Storage Liner Market [PDF]
Southern Geosynthetics Supplies New iglube™ Polymer Stormwater Management System for Massive Rainwater Harvesting Tank in Melbourne (Australia)
iglube 500,000L rainwater harvesting tank installed at Dunstan Reserve, West Brunswick where 980 iglube quad modules were installed by 6 workers in just 3 days !
Assessment of Geosynthetic Materials for Tunnel Drains: Laboratory Tests and Image Analyses [PDF]
Potential of HDPE Lined Engineered Cavities for Bulk Hydrogen Storage
HDPE exhibits strong potential as an impermeable liner material for lined engineered shafts (LES) for large-scale hydrogen storage at scales ranging from gigawatt-hours (GWh) to terawatt-hours (TWh)
Geosynthetics Company to IPO in 2025 (Investment Opportunity for GNA Subscribers)
Only 11 days to Go to Submit Your GeoAsia8 Abstract
German Research Securing Banks Close to Nature with Biodegradable Geotextiles
“Bioshoreline” – funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture – the researchers, led by Fraunhofer UMSICHT, developed a biodegradable geotextile made from renewable raw materials
Land & Water Council: Sand Geotube Must be Replaced
Coastal Groups Urge Government to Speed Up Geotube Project
University of Illinois-FGI Online Geosynthetics CQA Course & Certification Exam
A massive class action case involving over 150 businesses in Queensland and New South Wales suing a Queensland Government entity has evolved with a third party being lassoed into the lawsuit as a defendant, having 76,573 documents dumped in their laps in three weeks only eight months before the trial starts.
The plaintiffs claim works carried out by the corporation in the Gladstone Harbour negatively impacted the water quality, fish health and fish numbers, impacting industry members’ businesses.
The plaintiffs says that there are defects in the construction of the bund and they attempt to enumerate dozens of more breaches of particular types of contract.
Barrister Mark Steele KC said there were thousands of documents to read through and they need to find out who was responsible for geotextile covering and other parts of the construction of the bund wall as part of their defence.
Engineers involved in the investigation, design and construction of earthworks, especially where geosynthetic materials are involved, can learn from historical precedent – particularly when such structures have failed.
The case of the failure of the Gladstone Harbour bund wall has brought to light numerous recommendations for the future construction of such coastal earthworks, after an independent review into the wall was commissioned last year.
The Port of Gladstone Western Basin Strategic Dredging and Disposal Project (WBSDDP) allowed for a maximum of 46 million m³ of dredge spoil to be removed and disposed of, both offshore and within a constructed reclamation area.
The bund wall surrounding the reclamation area began leaking and coincided with mass deaths and disease of marine life in the nearby Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. Engineers claim that the geotextile fabric was of the wrong type and had been incorrectly fitted in the construction of the wall, were subsequently leaked to media outlets, prompting closer scrutiny.
Federal environment minister Greg Hunt commissioned the Gladstone Bund Wall Independent Review panel to examine and report on information relevant to the design, construction and functioning of the outer bund wall of the WBSDDP and to consider the adequacy of monitoring requirements. The panel found that aspects of the design and construction of the bund wall were not consistent with industry best practice and there was inadequate restraint of the geotextile liner. One of the key elements of the final design was the screening of the core rock to remove material of less than 12 mm diameter and the placement of a geotextile liner on the internal face of the bund wall. The bund design included the placement of geotextile fabric on the inner face of the bund before commencement of filling operations. This was meant act to minimise the migration of fines through the bund wall and into the surrounding waters from the differential pressures created on either side of the wall by the rise and fall of the tide.
Leakage and Physical Response of Geomembranes in Waste Covers Under Differential Settlement (Thesis)
Effects of Viscoelastic Properties on Geomembrane Mechanics and Deformations (Dataset)
This dataset provides experimental data to assess effects of viscoealstic properties on hyperelastic geomembranes mechanics and deformations
Enhanced Pavement Design Process to Incorporate Moisture Management Geotextiles
Technical Sales Engineer Geomembrane Containment Tanks
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ExcelPlas Geosynthetics Testing Expands Geosynthetic Testing Offerings
ExcelPlas now performs more than 120 standard geosynthetic tests in accordance with relevant ASTM, GRI, and ISO standards.
We have extensive experience with all types of geosynthetics – from geomembranes (HDPE, LLDPE, fPP), geotextiles to geonets, geogrids, geocomposites, and geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs).
As a Nationally Accredited Testing Laboratory, our technicians, equipment, and quality system are monitored regularly for proficiency and compliance assuring that you can count on quality results every time.
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Among GNA’s objectives are:
- To promote and educate on the development of specifications and practices that help ensure the proper use of geosynthetics.
- To locate, interpret and disseminate new scientific research to manufacturers and users of geosynthetic materials.
- To enhance the knowledge and awareness of contemporary geosynthetic technologies amongst specifiers, users, and installers.
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