Solmax Positioning as Pioneer in Geosynthetics

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Time Sensitive Messaging for the Global Geosynthetics Industry

NEWSMAKERS: * Akopal™ * ExcelPlas * Cover Systems * Dehyton™ * Design Tools * EcoMac™ * Floating Covers * Geomats * Geotextile Tubes * GeoTube® * GlacierProtect™ * GNA * Greenroofs * Igepal™ * KIWA * Maccaferri * NAUE * Slurry Stores * Solmax * SolutionFinder™ * Stress Cracking Detergent * Tencate * WaterShed Geosynthetics


Solmax Positioning Itself as the Pioneer of the Future of Geosynthetics Through Recruitment of Innovation 


Maccaferri Launches Suites of Geosynthetic Design Software Tools
EcoMac R: Estimates soil loss evaluating erosion risks on unprotected slopes and recommending optimal solutions with reinforced geomats. 
EcoMac S: Defines the required tensile strength of geomats and anchorage spacing for slope stabilization. 
EcoMac B: Provides tailored anchorage solutions for protecting channel banks from erosion. 

NAUE Introduces SolutionFinder Tool for Levee Design
It helps to identify the maximum stress caused by overflow events while ensuring the long-term functionality of drainage zones through geotextile.

Do You Know the New Specifications for Overground Slurry Stores with Geomembrane Liners and Covers?

Geosynthetic Levee Repair & Protection Webinar | Solmax & Muscle Wall Solutions for Levees (Recorded Video)

Geotextile Sandbags Allow Rapid Progress in Riverbank Construction in Cambodia

Green Roofs – A Geosynthetics Approach to Enhance Urban Greenery and Biodiversity on Bare Building Surfaces

The Road to a New Detergent for the Accelerated Notched Stress Cracking Testing
• Igepal CA-630: A trademarked product by Solvay, it is an alkylphenol ethoxylate (octylphenol ethoxylate) with an average of 9 ethylene oxide units per molecule.
• Akopal N100: By Clariant is essentially the same chemical composition as Igepal CA-630, also an octylphenol ethoxylate with similar ethoxylation.
• Dehyton® PL is a non-ionic surfactant produced by BASF

Solmax Geosynthetics Malaysia Regional Manager Presenting on Design and Construction of Geotube® Containment Dyke Over Soft Clay (18 February 2025)


Watershed Geosynthetics Develops Shear Resistant Geomembrane Using Mechanical Engagement

TenCate Develops Geosynthetic Fabric with Differential Wicking Capability


Webinar: NAUE GlacierProtect™ – Advancing Innovation in the International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation (21 Jan 2025)

Webinar: MSE Wall Failure Lessons Learned (21 January 2025)

Webinar: Selection of Long-Term Shear Strength Parameters for Strain Softening Geosynthetic Interfaces (30 Jan 2025)


Investigating the Shear Characteristics of Geomembrane–Sand Interfaces Under Freezing Conditions


Effectiveness of Floating Covers in Mitigating Ammonia and Hydrogen Sulphide Emissions from Lab-Scale Swine Slurry Pits


Performance Evaluation of Recycled Concrete Aggregates as Drainage Material in Combination with Geosynthetics for Landfill Cover Systems


FFDM Software Development Series 13- Modelling Geosynthetic Reinforcing Material Subjected to Pull-out

Mechanical Model of Tensile Loading of Geotechnical Reinforcement Materials

Hybrid Reinforced Earth Retention System for Sustainable Slope Protection
The system combines soil nailing, geogrid reinforcement, geocell walls, and biotechnical stabilization


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ExcelPlas Geosynthetics Testing Expands Geosynthetic Testing Offerings
ExcelPlas now performs more than 120 standard geosynthetic tests in accordance with relevant  ASTM, GRI, and ISO standards. 
We have extensive experience with all types of geosynthetics – from geomembranes (HDPE, LLDPE, fPP), geotextiles to geonets, geogrids, geocomposites, and geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs).
As a Nationally Accredited Testing Laboratory, our technicians, equipment, and quality system are monitored regularly for proficiency and compliance assuring that you can count on quality results every time. 

Geosynthetic News Alerts – Your Global Source of Geosynthetic News and Technology. Current and Updated!

Among GNA’s objectives are:

  • To promote and educate on the development of specifications and practices that help ensure the proper use of geosynthetics.
  • To locate, interpret and disseminate new scientific research to manufacturers and users of geosynthetic materials.
  • To enhance the knowledge and awareness of contemporary geosynthetic technologies amongst specifiers, users, and installers.

GNA – World’s Leading Source of Breaking News on Geomembranes, Geotextiles, and other Geosynthetics

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