GNA – Real Time Gathering and Dissemination of News on Geosynthetics
1. Geomembrane Landfill Liners a Major Conference Theme – Australian Landfill Conference starts today in Canberra
2. Enviroflex™ LLDPE geomembranes provide much of the same durability and resistance properties found in HDPE geomembranes, but with the added benefit of increased material flexibility, subgrade conformance and stress crack resistance
3. Concrete Canvas® Liner used to line Oil Field Bunds at the Onshore Canning Superbasin 150 kilometres east of Broome
4. Concrete on a Roll – The New Geosynthetic-Geocomposite Liner – Concrete Canvas®
A flexible, concrete impregnated fabric that hardens on hydration to form a thin, durable, water-proof and fire-resistant concrete layer
5. Top 14 Geomembrane Installation Tips to Avoid Field Failures (Handy Checklist from ExcelPlas Labs)
6. Nilex Containment Liners seeking Business Development Manager
7. Georgiou has recently completed the Spring Gully Pond C Project for Origin in Roma (QLD)
Construction of 4 x 400 ML DERM-compliant double lined HDPE brine ponds (Project Cost $68M)
8. Goulburn Murry Water (GMW) Installing Self-Healing Geosynthetic Liner for Channel Remediation Works
The project is part of the $2 Billion GMW Connections Project funded by the Victorian and Commonwealth governments
9. New 5 Layer Metallocene Polyethylene Liner (Hydrashield™) Ideal for Prefabricated Tank Liners
The reinforced, food grade Metallocene coated liner comes with a 20 year warranty
10. Cardno seeking Geotechnician with Experience in Geomembrane and Geosynthetics QA for Melbourne Lab
11. Meinhardt Provide Status Update on the New NSW Solid Waste Landfill Guidelines
A key new requirement includes mandatory Liner integrity testing
12. Guide for Using Geomembranes in Landfill Engineering (Free Download)
13. New Publication on Critical Stress of HDPE During Stress and Photooxidative Ageing
With increasing stress, the cracking time decreases in a reversed S-shape curve way, and there is a critical stress near 7 MPa where the cracking time has a maximum decreasing rate.
14. New Flexible Tunnel Liners from Bluey based on LLDPE
15. View this Newsletter on your Mobile Device
This Newsletter is brought to you by Excelplas Labs, Australia’s Largest group of Geomembrane Testing Labs.
GNA is now sent to over 3500 Geosynthetic Industry Members every week.
To list news items or articles in GNA please contact [email protected]