Maccaferri Acquires Synteen Geosynthetics

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GNA – The Most Widely Read Online Geosynthetics Publication
Time Sensitive Messaging for the Global Geosynthetics Industry

NEWSMAKERS: * Ambienta * Concrete Canvas * Conductive Geomembranes * ExcelPlas * Digital News * GeoAsia8 * Geofabrics * GeoKonect * GNA * Green Roofs * GSE * Huesker * IGS * Maccaferri * Monash University * Solmax * Synteen * White Geomembranes

GNA is the Official Media Partner for GeoAsia8


Ambienta-backed Officine Maccaferri Acquires Synteen Geosynthetics Company

Concrete Canvas Signs Deal to Produce Flexible Concrete Material in Kyrgyzstan


Amazing Images of Glaciers Being Covered in White Geotextiles [PDF]

Applying Artificial Cover to Reduce Melting in Dagu Glacier in the Eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau

The Impact of Sheet Temperature on HDPE Liner Welding: A Case for White Geomembranes [PDF]

GeoAsia8 Publishes Program for Conference (View Now)

Geosynthetics International – Special Issue with IGS Named Lectures

Geosynthetics Make Green Roofs Possible

Indonesian Company Wins Award for Turning PET Bottles into Non-Woven Geotextiles

Solmax/GSE Granted US Patent for Geomembrane Leak Detection

Solmax Seeking Senior Advisor, Global Internal Communications

Building Climate-Resilient Infrastructure Using Geosynthetics

Tenerife’s Cabildo Launches Initiative to Install Solar Panels on Geomembranes in Landfill Sites

Maccaferri Believes Detention Ponds are the Engineering Answer for Mitigating Urban Floods in the Philippines

Leachate Recycle Process Offers Pros and Cons

West Virginia Publishes Approved List for Geosynthetic Engineering Fabrics for Erosion Control (Declassified) [PDF]

GNA – the Recognized Voice of the Global Geosynthetics Industry
Leading our industry in the promotion of the use of geosynthetics in the creation of a sustainable environment.
GNA was established with the goal to promote the knowledge and usage of geosynthetic products and their benefits
Our intelligence alerts gives you visibility of the status of the global geosynthetic industry straight to your Inbox.


Solmax Launch Suite of Six Geosynthetic ‘How to’ Videos:

How to Perform Isolation Testing for GSE Geomembrane Panel Welding

How to Set Up Spark Testing for GSE Leak Location

How to Connect Geomembrane Panels for Reliable Leak Detection

How to Prepare and Select Materials when Installing the GSE Leak Location Conductive Suite

How to Install Patches on GSE Conductive Geomembrane

How to Manage Seam Intersections in GSE Conductive Geomembrane Installation


Effect of Geomembrane Defects on Dike Flow and Leakage: Experiment and Simulation

Study of the Degradation of Textured HDPE Geomembranes (GMs) Subjected to Natural Weathering for 8.5 to 10.5 Years

The Use of Geomembrane Technology: A Solution to Increase Hygienic Salt Production

Improvement of Salt Production Quality Through Threaded Filter Technology with Geomembrane Media


Natural Weathering Effects of Nonwoven Geotextile Exposed to Different Climate Conditions

Improvement of Subgrade Strength with the Use of Geotextiles—A Case Study

Applying Artificial Geotextile Cover to Reduce Melting in Dagu Glacier in the Eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau

Vineyards in B.C.’s Okanagan Test New Way to Mitigate Extreme Cold with Geotextiles
Geotextiles help trap heat generated by the earth

The Use of Geotextiles for Controlling on The Collapse of Gypseous Soils

Stabilized Slope Using Stone Columns Reinforced with Geotextile Encasement and Laminated Coatings: A Case Study


Potential Leakage Pathways Affecting Performance of Composite Vertical Cut-off Walls with a Geosynthetic Clay Liner for Groundwater Remediation


Evaluation of 3D-printed Model Geogrids and Composite Geosynthetics Made from Recycled Plastics: Bridging Laboratory Insights with Field Performance

A New Design Tool for Rockfall Risk Mitigation by Geosynthetic-Reinforced Embankments

The Effect of Using Geogrid Capsules on the Bearing Capacity of Strip Foundations in Sandy Soils

Model Test Study on Electro-Osmotic Dry Tailings Dams Using Conductive Grids

Settlement in Geosynthetic Reinforced Square Footing Over Cohesive Soil

Effect of Grouting of Floating Sand Columns in Soft Clay Soils Replaced Partially by Geogrid Reinforced Sand

Calibration of Partial factors for Tensile Strain Design in Geosynthetic-Reinforced and Pile-Supported Embankments


Comprehensive Solutions for Soil Erosion: An In-Depth Look at Geosynthetic Rolled Erosion Control Products (RECPs)


Solmax Seeking Senior Advisor, Global Internal Communications

HUESKER Australia Pty Ltd hiring Sales Coordinator in Sunshine Coast, Queensland

Geofabrics Seeking Technical Sales Person for Brisbane Role


Advertize with GNA
Looking ahead to your planning year 2025 for advertising needs, GNA would like to apprise of our readers of the substantial advertising opportunities.
We have had great success opening new doors for many companies during 2025 through digital ad placements, designated posts, whitepapers and various sponsorships. GNA offers many approaches to relaying your message to our audience of over 9000 geosynthetic professionals.
We would welcome a discussion and the chance to build a custom program that fits your needs and objectives for 2025. Our audience, including our very engaged membership, are your customers. We would be happy to schedule a call at your convenience to answer any questions.

Stay Up to Date with the Latest Geosynthetic News by Signing Up for the GNA Newsletter!

• GNA now has +30,000 views per month
• Articles published on GNA get thousands of views and are distributed widely through 3rd Party Affiliates
• GNA is now the most read source of Breaking News on Geosynthetics Worldwide
• Since GNA is published up to 12 times per month, no other source of Geosynthetic Industry News comes close to being as current and up-to-date
• In 2017 we have increased readership by 10,000+ through India, Africa, and Asia
• Special Advertising Packages Available for Geosynthetic Manufacturers, Installers, and Service Providers.

ExcelPlas Geosynthetics Testing Expands Geosynthetic Testing Offerings
ExcelPlas now performs more than 120 standard geosynthetic tests in accordance with relevant  ASTM, GRI, and ISO standards. 
We have extensive experience with all types of geosynthetics – from geomembranes (HDPE, LLDPE, fPP), geotextiles to geonets, geogrids, geocomposites, and geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs).
As a Nationally Accredited Testing Laboratory, our technicians, equipment, and quality system are monitored regularly for proficiency and compliance assuring that you can count on quality results every time. 

Geosynthetic News Alerts – Your Global Source of Geosynthetic News and Technology. Current and Updated!

Among GNA’s objectives are:

  • To promote and educate on the development of specifications and practices that help ensure the proper use of geosynthetics.
  • To locate, interpret and disseminate new scientific research to manufacturers and users of geosynthetic materials.
  • To enhance the knowledge and awareness of contemporary geosynthetic technologies amongst specifiers, users, and installers.

GNA – World’s Leading Source of Breaking News on Geomembranes, Geotextiles, and other Geosynthetics

This Newsletter is brought to you by ExcelPlas Labs Australia’s Largest group of Geosynthetics Testing Labs.

GNA is currently sent to over 7500 Geosynthetic Industry Members Globally every week.
Any news requests should be sent to [email protected]
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(c) 2025 Copyright ExcelPlas Labs and Geosynthetic News Agency

GNA is owned and operated by ExcelPlas Pty Ltd.  By subscribing to GNA you agree to receive regular GNA newsletters as well as the GNA platform using your email contact details to enhance the performance and functionality of GNA and its analytics reports.  These email contact details allow GNA to track page views and create more targeted and relevant content.  GNA provides an unsubscribe link at the bottom of each GNA newsletter.

Solmax Ranked 77th in New S&P Global Ratings

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GNA – The Most Widely Read Online Geosynthetics Publication
Time Sensitive Messaging for the Global Geosynthetics Industry

NEWSMAKERS: * Andritz * AKS Lining Systems * Approved Product Lists * BASF * Bioshoreline™ * Canada * Carlyle * ERA * ExcelPlas * Digital News  * GeoAsia8 * Geosintec * Geosynthetics Limited Geo Tubes GlacierProtect™ * GNA * Heap Leach Liner * Jovana Husemann * Kerry Rowe * Maccaferri * Monash University * NAUE * PavedRoad™ * Peter Hardie * Ranger Uranium Mine * reXline * S&P Global * Secutex Green * SOLATICS * Solmax * Strata * StrataGrid™ * Tensar * Viacon * VDOT * WaterShed Geo * WSP

GNA is the Official Media Partner for GeoAsia8


Solmax Ranked 77th in New S&P Global Ratings
S&P GLOBAL Issuer Ranking: Global Geosynthetics Material Companies– Strongest to Weakest

Carlyle in Advanced Talks to Acquire Majority Stake in Strata Geosystems India and its Affiliates


How Geosynthetics Have Fast Tracked the Rehabilitation of One of the World’s Largest Uranium Mines [PDF]

The Prevalent Use of Recycled Polymers in Chinese-Made Geomembranes – Lost in Translation or Interpretation? [PDF]


Alberta Government Canada Publishes Approved Geosynthetics Products List (28 Jan 2025) [PDF]

Securing Banks Close to Nature with Biodegradable Geotextiles
In the joint research project “Bioshoreline” the researchers, led by Fraunhofer UMSICHT, developed a biodegradable geotextile made from renewable raw materials

Andritz Commissions reXline™ Tearing Installation in Spain for Geotextile Recycling

Prof. Kerry Rowe Presents the 15th Athenian Lecture on Geotechnical Engineering  – ‘Some Challenges with Old and New Geomembrane Lined Dams’

BASF Patents Improved Stabilizer System for PP Geomembranes
0.3% Irganox ® 1330 + 0.2% Chimassorb ® 2020 + 0.2% Hycite ® 713 + 0.1% Sumilizer ® GP

GeoAsia8 Full Paper Submission Extended Until 15 February 2025 !

Interview with Peter Hardie of AKS Lining Systems

Monash University Researchers Conduct Modelling of Rockwool Insulated Landfill Liner Materials as a Heat Mitigation Method

Using Chicken Feathers to Produce Biodegradable Non-Woven Geotextiles

NAUE PavedRoad™ – AASHTO Calculator – Now Available

StrataGrid™ Geogrids Transform Road and Rail Construction

Indonesia Police Name Corruption Suspect in Missing Geotextile Layers for Warnasari Port Access Construction Project

VDOT Issues Approved List No 63 for Geosynthetic Products January 2025 [PDF]

US and Israel Company Patent Anchoring Structure for Ground Mounting of Solar Photovoltaic Energy Generation System Through a Geomembrane

Watch Maccaferri Recorded Webinar on The Evolution of Geosynthetics – from the Origins to the Modern Advanced Solutions

Concerns Raised Over Migratable Compounds from Polyethylene Which Can Diffuse into Potable Water

4th Spanish Conference on Geosynthetics – Geosintec 4 (22-23 Oct 2025)


Solmax Granted US Patent for New Heap Leach Liner

Tensar Develop Novel Railway Geogrid Construction Suitable for High Speed Trains to Mitigate the impact of Rayleigh Waves Generated at High Speed and/or Over Soft Subgrades

Tensar Granted US Patent for New Multiaxial Geogrid

Tensar Develops Multilayer Integral Geogrids Having a Cellular Layer Structure
By virtue of the cellular layer structure, the multilayer integral geogrid provides for increased layer vertical compressibility under load, resulting in enhanced material properties that provide performance benefits to use of the multilayer integral geogrid to stabilize and strengthen soil, aggregates, or other particulate materials.


Webinar on NAUE GlacierProtect™ by Jovana Husemann, Head of Sustainability for NAUE (25 Feb. for Canada & 26 Feb for NZ)
Advancing innovation in the International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation
A ground-breaking biodegradable nonwoven material crafted from Secutex™ green. Engineered with a focus on eco-design and sustainability principles, this microplastic-free material combats glacier melting, supports snow farming, and ensures zero environmental contamination.
Contact Dr. Jovana Husemann
Tel.: +49 5743 41-516
Email: [email protected]


Natural Weathering Effects on White, Green, and Black HDPE Textured Geomembranes

Impact of Differential Settlement on Leakage Through Geomembranes in Waste Covers

Selection of Long-Term Shear Strength Parameters for Strain Softening Geosynthetic Interfaces (VIDEO)


Mechanical Damage of Geotextiles Induced by Recycled Construction and Demolition Waste

Rockwool as a Potential Alternative to Conventional Geosynthetic Materials in Sustainable Ground Improvement Solutions

Performance Assessment of Coir Geotextile as Green Geosynthetic in Improving Soil Subgrade—A Review

Effects of Permeable Geotextiles of Different Densities on Soil Cracking and Evaporation Behaviour

Experimental Study of Geotextiles for Karst Subgrade Collapse Under Static and Dynamic Loads

Evaluating the Performance of Sand–Geotextile Biocemented Interfaces

A Study of the Undrained Monotonic Behaviour of Geotextile Reinforced Sand-silt Mixtures Using Triaxial Tests

Stabilized Slope Using Stone Columns Reinforced with Geotextile Encasement and Laminated Coatings: A Case Study

Effectiveness of Pilot-scale Geotube Decanter Centrifuge of Solid-liquid Separation Technologies for Dewatering of Lake Sediment Flocculated with Biobased Flocculants


Seabed Stabilization Against Wave-Included Residual Liquefaction Around Marine Structures Using Geotextile Sand Containers


Numerical Analysis on Stabilization of Railway Embankment by Using Uniaxial Geogrid Reinforcement

The Role of Geogrid Aperture Shape and Size in Strengthening Aeolian Sands: Insights from a Coupled DEM-FDM Approach

An Analytical Model of Horizontal-Vertical Geogrid Reinforced Foundation

Experimental Investigation of Factors Influencing Long-Term Performance of Geocomposite-Reinforced Subgrades Under Cyclic Loading (Thesis)

Cumulative Deformation Behaviour of GRS Bridge Abutments Under Cyclic Traffic Loading

Load Transfer and Failure Mechanisms of Geosynthetics Reinforced Soil (GRS) Bridge Abutments: Insights from DEM Simulations


Geosynthetics Limited Seeking Marketing Manager,17_KE18,39.htm?jl=1009613655927

ViaCon Seeking Geosynthetics Sales Manager for Estonia

Sales & Technical Manager, Geotextiles at Saint-Gobain ADFORS


Advertize with GNA
Looking ahead to your planning year 2025 for advertising needs, GNA would like to apprise of our readers of the substantial advertising opportunities.
We have had great success opening new doors for many companies during 2025 through digital ad placements, designated posts, whitepapers and various sponsorships. GNA offers many approaches to relaying your message to our audience of over 9000 geosynthetic professionals.
We would welcome a discussion and the chance to build a custom program that fits your needs and objectives for 2025. Our audience, including our very engaged membership, are your customers. We would be happy to schedule a call at your convenience to answer any questions.

Stay Up to Date with the Latest Geosynthetic News by Signing Up for the GNA Newsletter!

• GNA now has +30,000 views per month
• Articles published on GNA get thousands of views and are distributed widely through 3rd Party Affiliates
• GNA is now the most read source of Breaking News on Geosynthetics Worldwide
• Since GNA is published up to 12 times per month, no other source of Geosynthetic Industry News comes close to being as current and up-to-date
• In 2017 we have increased readership by 10,000+ through India, Africa, and Asia
• Special Advertising Packages Available for Geosynthetic Manufacturers, Installers, and Service Providers.

ExcelPlas Geosynthetics Testing Expands Geosynthetic Testing Offerings
ExcelPlas now performs more than 120 standard geosynthetic tests in accordance with relevant  ASTM, GRI, and ISO standards. 
We have extensive experience with all types of geosynthetics – from geomembranes (HDPE, LLDPE, fPP), geotextiles to geonets, geogrids, geocomposites, and geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs).
As a Nationally Accredited Testing Laboratory, our technicians, equipment, and quality system are monitored regularly for proficiency and compliance assuring that you can count on quality results every time. 

Geosynthetic News Alerts – Your Global Source of Geosynthetic News and Technology. Current and Updated!

Among GNA’s objectives are:

  • To promote and educate on the development of specifications and practices that help ensure the proper use of geosynthetics.
  • To locate, interpret and disseminate new scientific research to manufacturers and users of geosynthetic materials.
  • To enhance the knowledge and awareness of contemporary geosynthetic technologies amongst specifiers, users, and installers.

GNA – World’s Leading Source of Breaking News on Geomembranes, Geotextiles, and other Geosynthetics

This Newsletter is brought to you by ExcelPlas Labs Australia’s Largest group of Geosynthetics Testing Labs.

GNA is currently sent to over 7500 Geosynthetic Industry Members Globally every week.
Any news requests should be sent to [email protected]
To subscribe, visit

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(c) 2025 Copyright ExcelPlas Labs and Geosynthetic News Agency

GNA is owned and operated by ExcelPlas Pty Ltd.  By subscribing to GNA you agree to receive regular GNA newsletters as well as the GNA platform using your email contact details to enhance the performance and functionality of GNA and its analytics reports.  These email contact details allow GNA to track page views and create more targeted and relevant content.  GNA provides an unsubscribe link at the bottom of each GNA newsletter.

Solmax Builds Innovative Ground Basin Heat Storage

Download PDF

GNA – The Most Widely Read Online Geosynthetics Publication
Time Sensitive Messaging for the Global Geosynthetics Industry

NEWSMAKERS: * AGRU * Badass™ 300 * Canal Rehabilitation * China * Core & Main * ExcelPlas * David Beaumier * Demo Dave * Digital News * DM Solutions * Fibertex Nonwovens * GCTTG * GeoAsia8 * Geocells * GeoQuest * Geotextile Tubes * Geoweb® * GNA * G quadrat * Ground Basin Heat Storage (GBHS) * Landfill Gas * Microplastics * MSE Wall Failures * New York Canal * Renewable Energy * SAGEOS * Salient GeoEnvironmental * SKAPS Industries * SLR Consulting * Solmax * Terre Armee * Thrace * US Government Approved Suppliers Lists * Utkarsha Parikh * Valley Fill Leach Pad (VFLP) * Vanadium Oxide (VO) Nanoparticles * Veolia * Winfab

GNA is the Official Media Partner for GeoAsia8


Solmax Builds Innovative Ground Basin Heat Storage in its Front Yard with Funding from Federal Government [PDF]

Lawsuit Filed Against Fibertex Nonwovens for Alleged PFAS Contamination of Drinking Water

US Government Issues January 2025 Geosynthetic Materials Approved Suppliers List (Declassified)
Winners are Core & Main, Hanes, SKAPS, Solmax, Thrace and Winfab


The Ingenious Strategies Behind China’s Geosynthetics Success [PDF]

The Decline in Geomembrane Demand in China Due to a Shift Towards Incineration Technologies for MSW [PDF]


Landfill Gas Experts from Jacobs and SLR Consulting Battle it Out in the Veolia Court Case in the Supreme Court
Richard Evans (Jacobs) and Warren Pump (Salient GeoEnvironmental) were called to give evidence by the plaintiffs, with Anthony Lane (SLR Consulting called by the defendants (Veolia)

Judgement Published in Landfill case against Veolia (Declassified) [PDF]
Mr Pump acknowledged that geomembrane tears are likely to occur on a final cap placed over unsettled waste. He also acknowledged that settlement may have an adverse effect on a final cap and that the timing of the placement of the final cap should consider the rate at which settlement is occurring.


Agru & G quadrat: Durable Pit Thermal Energy Storages Using Functional Geomembranes [PDF]

New Generation of Durable and Safe Pit Thermal Energy Storage – PTES [PDF]


Demo Dave’s New Website in Now Live – The Geomembrane Welding Guru is Back !

The New Badass™ 300 Geomembrane Welding is Now Available

Presentation on MSE Wall Failures & Lessons Learned (Free Download)

Terre Armee Becomes Geoquest

Director of SAGEOS Geosynthetics Testing Laboratory David Beaumier Stepping Down

Interview with Managing Director · SKAPS Industries India (Mr. Utkarsha Parikh)

Phillip Island Residents at Risk Permanent Inundation Due to Coastal Erosion and Rising Sea Levels Call for Geotextile Sandbags
The community hope the state government will provide funding for geotextile sandbags to protect the beach and nearby homes.

Geotextiles Fingered as the Probable Source of Microplastics in a Rural River Sourced from the UK’s Largest Opencast Coal Mine
The microplastic fibres may have originated from the shedding of underground geotextiles used for soil stabilization, drainage, or erosion control that are used in and around mining sites and which commonly use PET polymers in their construction (European Environmental Agency, 2024).

New York Canal Rehabilitation Project Using Geomembranes – VIDEO

How to Combat Soft Shale Slope Erosion with the GEOWEB® Slope Protection System

Emerging Concerns Over Migration of Vanadium Oxide Nanoparticles in Landfills


GCL-LLDPE Geomembrane Interface Friction Angle Evaluation and Stability Analysis of a Valley Fill Leach Pad Project [PDF]


Wastewater Treatment with Geotextile Filters: The Role in Permeability and Pollutant Control

Effects of Permeable Geotextiles of Different Densities on Soil Cracking and Evaporation Behaviour

Experimental Study on Shear Behaviour of Geotextile Encased Lime Energy Column – Soil Interface in Degraded Permafrost Environment


GCL-LLDPE Geomembrane Interface Friction Angle Evaluation and Stability Analysis of a Valley Fill Leach Pad Project [PDF]

Environmental Sustainability Assessment of Geosynthetic Clay Liners (GCLs) (THESIS)


A Reinforced Earth Railway Embankment for A Coal Handling Plant

Effect of Temperature on Geogrid-Soil Interface Performance Based on Pull-out Test

Seismic Behaviour and Energy Evolution of High-fill Embankment Reinforced by Pile-Slab Structure and Geogrids on Slope Accumulation


An Experimental Study on Foam-Conditioned Soils for Application in EPBS Tunnelling

Geofoam Materials Utilization For Bridge Abutment Embankment Of The Trans Sumatra Toll Road: A Case Study

Novel Method to Predict the Efficiency of a Geofoam-filled Trench in Mitigating Ground Vibrations Within Layered Soil Using an Artificial Neural Network (ANN)

Field and Numerical Assessment of Geofoam Inclusion Behind a Rigid Cantilever Wall

Dynamic Properties of Geofoam (EPS) From Dry to Fully Saturated Conditions


Geotextiles Fingered as the Probable Source of Microplastics in a Rural River Sourced from the UK’s Largest Opencast Coal Mine
The microplastic fibres may have originated from the shedding of underground geotextiles used for soil stabilization, drainage, or erosion control that are used in and around mining sites and which commonly use PET polymers in their construction (European Environmental Agency, 2024).

Microplastic Human Dietary Uptake from 1990 to 2018 Grew across 109 Major Developing and Industrialized Countries but Can Be Halved by Plastic Debris Removal


New Webinar – Maximizing Ballast Life and Rail Performance with GEOWEB Geocells – Feb. 4


Advertize with GNA
Looking ahead to your planning year 2025 for advertising needs, GNA would like to apprise of our readers of the substantial advertising opportunities.
We have had great success opening new doors for many companies during 2025 through digital ad placements, designated posts, whitepapers and various sponsorships. GNA offers many approaches to relaying your message to our audience of over 9000 geosynthetic professionals.
We would welcome a discussion and the chance to build a custom program that fits your needs and objectives for 2025. Our audience, including our very engaged membership, are your customers. We would be happy to schedule a call at your convenience to answer any questions.

Stay Up to Date with the Latest Geosynthetic News by Signing Up for the GNA Newsletter!

• GNA now has +30,000 views per month
• Articles published on GNA get thousands of views and are distributed widely through 3rd Party Affiliates
• GNA is now the most read source of Breaking News on Geosynthetics Worldwide
• Since GNA is published up to 12 times per month, no other source of Geosynthetic Industry News comes close to being as current and up-to-date
• In 2017 we have increased readership by 10,000+ through India, Africa, and Asia
• Special Advertising Packages Available for Geosynthetic Manufacturers, Installers, and Service Providers.

ExcelPlas Geosynthetics Testing Expands Geosynthetic Testing Offerings
ExcelPlas now performs more than 120 standard geosynthetic tests in accordance with relevant  ASTM, GRI, and ISO standards. 
We have extensive experience with all types of geosynthetics – from geomembranes (HDPE, LLDPE, fPP), geotextiles to geonets, geogrids, geocomposites, and geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs).
As a Nationally Accredited Testing Laboratory, our technicians, equipment, and quality system are monitored regularly for proficiency and compliance assuring that you can count on quality results every time. 

Geosynthetic News Alerts – Your Global Source of Geosynthetic News and Technology. Current and Updated!

Among GNA’s objectives are:

  • To promote and educate on the development of specifications and practices that help ensure the proper use of geosynthetics.
  • To locate, interpret and disseminate new scientific research to manufacturers and users of geosynthetic materials.
  • To enhance the knowledge and awareness of contemporary geosynthetic technologies amongst specifiers, users, and installers.

GNA – World’s Leading Source of Breaking News on Geomembranes, Geotextiles, and other Geosynthetics

This Newsletter is brought to you by ExcelPlas Labs Australia’s Largest group of Geosynthetics Testing Labs.

GNA is currently sent to over 7500 Geosynthetic Industry Members Globally every week.
Any news requests should be sent to [email protected]
To subscribe, visit

GNA™ (Geosynthetic News Alerts™)
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(c) 2025 Copyright ExcelPlas Labs and Geosynthetic News Agency

GNA is owned and operated by ExcelPlas Pty Ltd.  By subscribing to GNA you agree to receive regular GNA newsletters as well as the GNA platform using your email contact details to enhance the performance and functionality of GNA and its analytics reports.  These email contact details allow GNA to track page views and create more targeted and relevant content.  GNA provides an unsubscribe link at the bottom of each GNA newsletter.

Geomembranes used in Durable Pit Thermal Energy Storage

Download PDF

GNA – The Most Widely Read Online Geosynthetics Publication
Time Sensitive Messaging for the Global Geosynthetics Industry

NEWSMAKERS: * AGRU * Basalt Geotextiles * Bryan Wedin * Bulk Hydrogen Storage * ExcelPlas * Digital News * Dipole Method * Earthtec * Fibromat * G quadrant * GeoAsia8 * Geotextile Tubes * Geo Tubes * GEOWEB Geocells * GNA * Hydrogen Storage * IAGI * INCOTELOGY GmbH * Leak Location Surveys * Lined Engineered Cavities (LEC) * Malaysia * Pit Thermal Energy Storage (PTES) * Polypropylene Geomembranes * PP-HTR * Presto Geosystems * PVC-P Geomembranes * Renewable Energy * Thomas Taylor

GNA is the Official Media Partner for GeoAsia8


Durable Pit Thermal Energy Storages Using Functional Geomembranes [PDF]
Flexible energy storages are an essential component for decarbonizing energy infrastructure. Due to storage temperatures of up to 95°C, the geomembranes are exposed to particularly high levels of environmental stress. The predicted lifetime is a fundamental basis for reliable project planning. New research shows that innovative PP-HTR geomembranes significantly outperform traditional polyethylene (PE)-based geomembranes.

Confidential Presentation on Pit Thermal Energy Storage – PTES by G quadrant Germany (Exclusive to GNA)


INCOTELOGY GmbH Presents its New Range of Geosynthetics and Basalt Fibre Products at InfraTech 2025

Norwegian Company Devise Method for Subsea Hydrogen Storage Using HDPE Liners and Polymer Pipes

Malaysian Geosynthetics Company to IPO in 2025 (Investment Opportunity for GNA Subscribers)

Only 8 days to Go to Submit Your GeoAsia8 Abstract

Increasing the Sensitivity of the Dipole Method in Geomembrane Leak Location Surveys: A Case Study [PDF]

Certifications for Quality Geosynthetic Containment

2027 Date Floated for Commissioning New Reservoir with Geomembrane Liner Underlain by a Non-woven Geotextile

Solmax Looking for Quality Manager for Houston Geomembrane Plant


New Webinar – Maximizing Ballast Life and Rail Performance with GEOWEB Geocells – Feb. 4


Thomas P. Taylor EARTHTEC (Colleyville, TX) Patents Novel Geosynthetic Reinforcing Strip as a Soil Reinforcing Stabilizer

Chinese Patent Novel Porous Biological Polymerizing Agent for Sediment Dewatering Using Geotextile Tubes in the Environmental Dredging of Rivers and Lakes


Effect of Scratches on Mechanical Properties and Impermeability of PVC-P Geomembranes [PDF]

Efficacy of Geomembranes in Advanced Seepage Mitigation Techniques in Earth Dams: A Case Study of Shahid Yaghoubi and Maloo Dams

An Integrated Strategy to Treat and Control Acid Mine Drainage from Waste Rock and Underground Workings at the Former Franklin Mine in Nova Scotia
The results confirm that the multi-layer, geomembrane-lined WRP cover system is an extremely effective barrier to air and water influx, thereby minimizing the rate of AMD

Application of Material Point Method in Modelling Soil-Geosynthetics Interactions-a Literature Survey


Design of MSE Wall with Geotextile Reinforcement for Temporary Mitigation of Landslide in Padang Panjang – Sicincin Road

Experimental Study on Shear Behaviour of Geotextile Encased Lime Energy Column – Soil Interface in Degraded Permafrost Environment


Geosynthetic Reinforced Embankment Design on Piles for Transportation Infrastructures: A European Code Comparison


Southern Geosynthetics Supplies New iglube™ Polymer Stormwater Management System for Massive Rainwater Harvesting Tank in Melbourne (Australia)
iglube 500,000L rainwater harvesting tank installed at Dunstan Reserve, West Brunswick where 980 iglube quad modules were installed by 6 workers in just 3 days !

Potential of HDPE Lined Engineered Cavities for Bulk Hydrogen Storage
HDPE exhibits strong potential as an impermeable liner material for lined engineered shafts (LES) for large-scale hydrogen storage at scales ranging from gigawatt-hours (GWh) to terawatt-hours (TWh)

Application of Concrete Canvas for Enhancing Railway Substructure Performance Under Static and Dynamic Loads

German Research Securing Banks Close to Nature with Biodegradable Geotextiles
“Bioshoreline” – funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture – the researchers, led by Fraunhofer UMSICHT, developed a biodegradable geotextile made from renewable raw materials


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Looking ahead to your planning year 2025 for advertising needs, GNA would like to apprise of our readers of the substantial advertising opportunities.
We have had great success opening new doors for many companies during 2025 through digital ad placements, designated posts, whitepapers and various sponsorships. GNA offers many approaches to relaying your message to our audience of over 9000 geosynthetic professionals.
We would welcome a discussion and the chance to build a custom program that fits your needs and objectives for 2025. Our audience, including our very engaged membership, are your customers. We would be happy to schedule a call at your convenience to answer any questions.

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• Articles published on GNA get thousands of views and are distributed widely through 3rd Party Affiliates
• GNA is now the most read source of Breaking News on Geosynthetics Worldwide
• Since GNA is published up to 12 times per month, no other source of Geosynthetic Industry News comes close to being as current and up-to-date
• In 2017 we have increased readership by 10,000+ through India, Africa, and Asia
• Special Advertising Packages Available for Geosynthetic Manufacturers, Installers, and Service Providers.

ExcelPlas Geosynthetics Testing Expands Geosynthetic Testing Offerings
ExcelPlas now performs more than 120 standard geosynthetic tests in accordance with relevant  ASTM, GRI, and ISO standards. 
We have extensive experience with all types of geosynthetics – from geomembranes (HDPE, LLDPE, fPP), geotextiles to geonets, geogrids, geocomposites, and geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs).
As a Nationally Accredited Testing Laboratory, our technicians, equipment, and quality system are monitored regularly for proficiency and compliance assuring that you can count on quality results every time. 

Geosynthetic News Alerts – Your Global Source of Geosynthetic News and Technology. Current and Updated!

Among GNA’s objectives are:

  • To promote and educate on the development of specifications and practices that help ensure the proper use of geosynthetics.
  • To locate, interpret and disseminate new scientific research to manufacturers and users of geosynthetic materials.
  • To enhance the knowledge and awareness of contemporary geosynthetic technologies amongst specifiers, users, and installers.

GNA – World’s Leading Source of Breaking News on Geomembranes, Geotextiles, and other Geosynthetics

This Newsletter is brought to you by ExcelPlas Labs Australia’s Largest group of Geosynthetics Testing Labs.

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(c) 2025 Copyright ExcelPlas Labs and Geosynthetic News Agency

GNA is owned and operated by ExcelPlas Pty Ltd.  By subscribing to GNA you agree to receive regular GNA newsletters as well as the GNA platform using your email contact details to enhance the performance and functionality of GNA and its analytics reports.  These email contact details allow GNA to track page views and create more targeted and relevant content.  GNA provides an unsubscribe link at the bottom of each GNA newsletter.

Over 40% Profit Margins for Malaysian Solmax and NAUE

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GNA – The Most Widely Read Online Geosynthetics Publication
Time Sensitive Messaging for the Global Geosynthetics Industry

NEWSMAKERS: * Bioshoreline™ * Bulk Hydrogen Storage * Class Action * Concrete Canvas™ * ExcelPlas * Digital News * Fibromat * Fraunhofer * GeoAsia8 * Geotextile Tubes * GeoTube®  * Gladstone Port Corporation * GNA * HeatGard™ * Hydrogen Storage * iglube™ * Layfield * Lined Engineered Cavities (LEC) * Maccaferri * Malaysia * NAUE * Renewable Energy * Solmax * Southern Geosynthetic Supplies * Tensar

GNA is the Official Media Partner for GeoAsia8


Competitive Landscape of The Geosynthetic Industry in Malaysia (Declassified) [PDF]
Solmax (Malaysia) and NAUE (Malaysia) both have over 40% Profit Margin while Maccaferri (Malaysia) is at 27% PM


Future of HDPE Liners for Lining Engineered Cavities for Bulk Hydrogen Storage [PDF]

Layfield Emerging as Strong Competitor to Solmax in Burgeoning Heat Pit Storage Liner Market [PDF]


Southern Geosynthetics Supplies New iglube™ Polymer Stormwater Management System for Massive Rainwater Harvesting Tank in Melbourne (Australia)
iglube 500,000L rainwater harvesting tank installed at Dunstan Reserve, West Brunswick where 980 iglube quad modules were installed by 6 workers in just 3 days !

Assessment of Geosynthetic Materials for Tunnel Drains: Laboratory Tests and Image Analyses [PDF]

Potential of HDPE Lined Engineered Cavities for Bulk Hydrogen Storage
HDPE exhibits strong potential as an impermeable liner material for lined engineered shafts (LES) for large-scale hydrogen storage at scales ranging from gigawatt-hours (GWh) to terawatt-hours (TWh)

Geosynthetics Company to IPO in 2025 (Investment Opportunity for GNA Subscribers)

Only 11 days to Go to Submit Your GeoAsia8 Abstract

Application of Concrete Canvas for Enhancing Railway Substructure Performance Under Static and Dynamic Loads

German Research Securing Banks Close to Nature with Biodegradable Geotextiles
“Bioshoreline” – funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture – the researchers, led by Fraunhofer UMSICHT, developed a biodegradable geotextile made from renewable raw materials

Hawaii Department of Transportation Using Rock-Filled Geotextile Sand Containers to Make Erosion Repairs on Highway

Land & Water Council: Sand Geotube Must be Replaced

Coastal Groups Urge Government to Speed Up Geotube Project

High Acres Landfill Gets New Exposed Geomembrane Cover Over Cells 8, 9, 10, and 11 to Increase Gas Collection and Further Minimize Odour

University of Illinois-FGI Online Geosynthetics CQA Course & Certification Exam


Geotextile Supplier Being Investigated as Part of a Massive Class Action Against Gladstone Ports Corporation (GPC) for Leaking Bund Wall Containing Dredge Spoil

A massive class action case involving over 150 businesses in Queensland and New South Wales suing a Queensland Government entity has evolved with a third party being lassoed into the lawsuit as a defendant, having 76,573 documents dumped in their laps in three weeks only eight months before the trial starts.

The plaintiffs claim works carried out by the corporation in the Gladstone Harbour negatively impacted the water quality, fish health and fish numbers, impacting industry members’ businesses.

The plaintiffs says that there are defects in the construction of the bund and they attempt to enumerate dozens of more breaches of particular types of contract.

Barrister Mark Steele KC said there were thousands of documents to read through and they need to find out who was responsible for geotextile covering and other parts of the construction of the bund wall as part of their defence.

Engineers involved in the investigation, design and construction of earthworks, especially where geosynthetic materials are involved, can learn from historical precedent – particularly when such structures have failed.

The case of the failure of the Gladstone Harbour bund wall has brought to light numerous recommendations for the future construction of such coastal earthworks, after an independent review into the wall was commissioned last year.

The Port of Gladstone Western Basin Strategic Dredging and Disposal Project (WBSDDP) allowed for a maximum of 46 million m³ of dredge spoil to be removed and disposed of, both offshore and within a constructed reclamation area.

The bund wall surrounding the reclamation area began leaking and coincided with mass deaths and disease of marine life in the nearby Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. Engineers claim that the geotextile fabric was of the wrong type and had been incorrectly fitted in the construction of the wall, were subsequently leaked to media outlets, prompting closer scrutiny.

Federal environment minister Greg Hunt commissioned the Gladstone Bund Wall Independent Review panel to examine and report on information relevant to the design, construction and functioning of the outer bund wall of the WBSDDP and to consider the adequacy of monitoring requirements. The panel found that aspects of the design and construction of the bund wall were not consistent with industry best practice and there was inadequate restraint of the geotextile liner. One of the key elements of the final design was the screening of the core rock to remove material of less than 12 mm diameter and the placement of a geotextile liner on the internal face of the bund wall.  The bund design included the placement of geotextile fabric on the inner face of the bund before commencement of filling operations. This was meant act to minimise the migration of fines through the bund wall and into the surrounding waters from the differential pressures created on either side of the wall by the rise and fall of the tide.


Leakage and Physical Response of Geomembranes in Waste Covers Under Differential Settlement (Thesis)

Effects of Viscoelastic Properties on Geomembrane Mechanics and Deformations (Dataset)
This dataset provides experimental data to assess effects of viscoealstic properties on hyperelastic geomembranes mechanics and deformations


Enhanced Pavement Design Process to Incorporate Moisture Management Geotextiles


Technical Sales Engineer Geomembrane Containment Tanks


Advertize with GNA
Looking ahead to your planning year 2025 for advertising needs, GNA would like to apprise of our readers of the substantial advertising opportunities.
We have had great success opening new doors for many companies during 2025 through digital ad placements, designated posts, whitepapers and various sponsorships. GNA offers many approaches to relaying your message to our audience of over 9000 geosynthetic professionals.
We would welcome a discussion and the chance to build a custom program that fits your needs and objectives for 2025. Our audience, including our very engaged membership, are your customers. We would be happy to schedule a call at your convenience to answer any questions.

Stay Up to Date with the Latest Geosynthetic News by Signing Up for the GNA Newsletter!

• GNA now has +30,000 views per month
• Articles published on GNA get thousands of views and are distributed widely through 3rd Party Affiliates
• GNA is now the most read source of Breaking News on Geosynthetics Worldwide
• Since GNA is published up to 12 times per month, no other source of Geosynthetic Industry News comes close to being as current and up-to-date
• In 2017 we have increased readership by 10,000+ through India, Africa, and Asia
• Special Advertising Packages Available for Geosynthetic Manufacturers, Installers, and Service Providers.

ExcelPlas Geosynthetics Testing Expands Geosynthetic Testing Offerings
ExcelPlas now performs more than 120 standard geosynthetic tests in accordance with relevant  ASTM, GRI, and ISO standards. 
We have extensive experience with all types of geosynthetics – from geomembranes (HDPE, LLDPE, fPP), geotextiles to geonets, geogrids, geocomposites, and geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs).
As a Nationally Accredited Testing Laboratory, our technicians, equipment, and quality system are monitored regularly for proficiency and compliance assuring that you can count on quality results every time. 

Geosynthetic News Alerts – Your Global Source of Geosynthetic News and Technology. Current and Updated!

Among GNA’s objectives are:

  • To promote and educate on the development of specifications and practices that help ensure the proper use of geosynthetics.
  • To locate, interpret and disseminate new scientific research to manufacturers and users of geosynthetic materials.
  • To enhance the knowledge and awareness of contemporary geosynthetic technologies amongst specifiers, users, and installers.

GNA – World’s Leading Source of Breaking News on Geomembranes, Geotextiles, and other Geosynthetics

This Newsletter is brought to you by ExcelPlas Labs Australia’s Largest group of Geosynthetics Testing Labs.

GNA is currently sent to over 7500 Geosynthetic Industry Members Globally every week.
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(c) 2025 Copyright ExcelPlas Labs and Geosynthetic News Agency

GNA is owned and operated by ExcelPlas Pty Ltd.  By subscribing to GNA you agree to receive regular GNA newsletters as well as the GNA platform using your email contact details to enhance the performance and functionality of GNA and its analytics reports.  These email contact details allow GNA to track page views and create more targeted and relevant content.  GNA provides an unsubscribe link at the bottom of each GNA newsletter.