GNA the Leading Geosynthetics eNews Magazine Globally
NEWSMAKERS: AquaDams * Crystal Lagoons * ExcelPlas™ * Geotube™ * Imagine * Maccaferri * Renolit * Tencate *
TenCate Geosynthetics & Its Relationship with Demand Solutions
RENOLIT has established a New Joint Venture in India with the Aim of Expanding the Production of Geomembranes for the Region
Maccaferri Design Geocomposite Drainage Layer to Collect Contaminated Leachate from Coal Stockpiles
Maccaferri Africa was approached by GFK Consulting Engineers to submit a proposal for a geocomposite drainage material to act as the primary drainage layer in a Class C liner
Sydney Researchers Investigate Desiccation and Self-Healing of Bentonite in Geosynthetic Clay Liners
Advanced Geotube Technology to Compost Waste from Treatment Plant Lagoons
Judge Shuts Down Geosynthetic AquaDam
AquaDams Installed along Bayou Manchac before Federal Order
White Reflective HDPE Lined Crystal Lagoons are all the Rage. But Do They Hold Water Financially?
Solmax White Liner and Crystal Lagoon Could Start A North Texas Trend
Determining the Extent of Oxidation of HDPE Geomembranes by Carbonyl Index (CI)
CI will be measured to determine the extent and rate of oxidation. The use of an attenuated total reflection (ATR) crystal in a Fourier transform
infrared spectrometer (FTIR) will enable the CI of a surface layer of the geomembrane to be quantified. There is a critical CI (threshold) at which Stress Cracking (SC) is initiated on the Geomembrane surface
New HDPE-Lined Tailings Dam with Novel Floating Evaporation System
Crystal Lagoons is a company, founded by scientist Fernando Fischmann which has developed a patent-protected technology that allows the construction and maintenance of unlimited-size clear water lagoons at very low costs using white reflective HDPE geomembrane
Graphene Enabled Smart Sensing Floors and Geosynthetics from Imagine
Mill River Remediation with Geotube Dewatering
Beach Dredging without Geotube Containment Leading to Massive Turbidity
Geotextile Bags trying to Stop Sea Erosion
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ExcelPlas Geosynthetics Testing Expands Geosynthetic Testing Offerings
ExcelPlas now performs more than 120 standard geosynthetic tests in accordance with relevant ASTM, GRI and ISO standards.
We have extensive experience with all types of geosynthetics – from geomembranes (HDPE, LLDPE, fPP), geotextiles to geonets, geogrids, geocomposites and and geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs).
As a Nationally Accredited Testing Laboratory, our technicians, equipment and quality system are monitored regularly for proficiency and compliance assuring that you can count on quality results every time.
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- To promote and educate on the development of specifications and practices that help ensure the proper use of geosynthetics.
- To locate, interpret and disseminate new scientific research to manufacturers and users of geosynthetic materials.
- To enhance the knowledge and awareness of contemporary geosynthetic technologies amongst specifiers, users and installers.
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