1. Training Guide for Construction of a Sanitary Landfill with Geosynthetics
2. Concrete Canvas™ Signs Distribution agreement signed with PT Multiagung Setiajaya (MAS) worth £850 000 over the next 3 years
3. Concrete Canvas used for Slope Protection (the cement impregnated geotextile hardens when wetted)
4. Quantitative Evaluation of Marine Growth on Geosynthetic Reef Trials (PDF)
5. Tensar Sponsoring Geosynthetics Expert for International Lecture Series
6. Agru HDPE Geomembrane Used for Gulf Resort Development
7. Performance Monitoring — Case Studies of Tracks Stabilised by Geosynthetic Grids and Prefabricated Vertical Drains (PDF)
8. Tenders are invited for the Construction of Landfill Capping at the Kyneton landfill site in Redesdale Road Kyneton
9. Novel Landfill Phytocapping Design to Attact Koalas – a NSW First
10. Special Council Meeting to Address Geotube Repair Plan
11. Free Webinar: Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil-Integrated Bridge Systems
12. Viking Containment NZ Uploads Geosynthetic PDF Library
13. GNA Offering Free Tailored Geosynthetic Intellegence Reports
Simply type your search terms e.g. “Geotubes” into the search bar at the top of the website:
Then sort by date and a customized report will be generated on your search topic
14. Tickets Still Available for Nobel Prize Winner Lecture on Graphene by Sir Konstantin Novoselov (Monash University) 26 October 2015
15. ExcelPlas Sets Up Forensic Engineering Lab for Geosynthetic Materials (FFA)
Forensic Failure Associates specialise in determining how geosynthetic materials and geomembrane products fail, including an assessment of liners that have
deteriorated due to degradation, fatigue, installation damage, misuse, abuse, and improper manufacture.
More information contact: [email protected]
This Newsletter is brought to you by Excelplas Labs, Australia’s Largest group of Geomembrane Testing Labs.
Geosynthetic News Australia (GNA) is now Australia’s most current and comprehensive source of news on Geomembranes and other Geosynthetics;
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