GNA – Your Leading Source for Geosynthetics Industry News
Licensed Australian Agent for Concrete Canvas™ in the Mining Industry in Australia
Concrete Canvas Continues to Wrap Up Sales Across North America
Geomembrane Technicians Job Opening at The Jaylon Group in Perth
Tackling Landfill Erosion and Leachate Challenges (Feature)
New Tender – Landfill Cell Liner Construction in Tasmania
Solar Flex Rack constructed on top of the Geosynthetic Cap of the Mining Site Without Damaging the Cap
New Geosynthetic Bentonite Liner (GCL) from Geosynthetics Australia
Pioneers in the use of Geotextile Sand Bags in Western Australia
Tensar’s Spectra M-E Software Helps Optimise Road Pavement Designs Incorporating Geogrids
Micro-mechanical Analysis of Geomembrane-Sand Interactions using DEM (New Research)
Rapid Prototyping of Geosynthetic Interfaces: Investigation of peak strength using direct shear tests (New Research)
In-plane Strength of Masonry Panel Strengthened with Geosynthetics (New Research)
Effect of Ammonium on the Hydraulic Conductivity of Geosynthetic Clay Liners by Craig Benson (New Research)
The Use of Geogrid Reinforcement for Enhancing the Performance of Concrete Overlays
Behaviour Of A Geosynthetic Reinforced Steep Slope Constructed With Cohesive Backfill Under Earthquake Loading…/links/5901f3934585156502a29e5a/Behaviour-of-a-geosynthetic-reinforced-steep-slope-constructed-with-cohesive-backfill-under-earthquake-loading.pdf
Modelling and Simulation of Temperature Variation in a Landfill Cell [PDF]…/links/5840d4d708ae2d21755f3fae/Modelling-and-Simulation-of-Temperature-variation-in-landfill-Cell.pdf
Agru Case Study on Landfill Closure with Geosynthetics
ExcelPlas Geosynthetics Testing Expands Geosynthetic Testing Offerings (Lab News)
ExcelPlas now performs more than 120 standard geosynthetic tests in accordance with relevant ASTM, GRI and ISO standards.
We have extensive experience with all types of geosynthetics – from geomembranes (HDPE, LLDPE, fPP), geotextiles to geonets, geogrids, geocomposites and and geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs).
As a Nationally Accredited Testing Laboratory our technicians, equipment and quality system are monitored regularly for proficiency and compliance assuring that you can count on quality results every time.
🔔 Geosynthetic News Alerts – Your Global Source of Geosynthetic News and Technology. Current and Updated!
Among GNA’s objectives are:
- To promote and educate on the development of specifications and practices that help ensure the proper use of geosynthetics.
- To locate, interpret and disseminate new scientific research to manufacturers and users of geosynthetic materials.
- To enhance the knowledge and awareness of contemporary geosynthetic technologies amongst specifiers, users and installers.
🔔 GNA – World’s Leading Source of Breaking News on Geomembranes, Geotextiles and other Geosynthetics
This Newsletter is brought to you by ExcelPlas Labs 🔬 Australia’s Largest group of Geosynthetics Testing Labs.
ExcelPlas Geosynthetic Labs 🔬 are a Corporate Member of the IGS (International Geosynthetics Society)
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