Geomembrane Welding and Liner CQA Training Course 18 March 2014 by Dr. John Scheirs & Associates (Limited Seat Available)
To register contact [email protected]
Remember: Quality assurance is vital during the liner installation and welding. Field welding crews must have proper qualifications, training, and experience to complete these exacting tasks. The geosynthetic contractor will usually be required to carry out nondestructive field testing of every seam and weld. Destructive tests are often specified to be completed at intervals with a third-party construction quality-assurance consultant present at all times. A leak-detection survey, carried out before the lined facility is put into service, can help ensure the safe and problem-free operation of the impoundment.
Coal Seam Gas Upstream Groundwater Detentions in Roma QLD lined from the top to bottom – 1.5mm HDPE / X1000 GCL / GTG512 tri-planar geonet / Hard & Soft Rubber
Geomembrane Liner Installers Feel the Heat
On behalf of Australia Pacific LNG, Leighton Contractors is constructing the water treatment facilities and storage ponds at Condabri and Reedy Creek sites
The area has air temperatures of 45 degrees and radiating temperatures of 57 degrees.
Landfill fire caused as a result of a break in an air-line which allowed oxygen into a small area under the liner to mix with methane
EQ reports on repair to torn liner at hazardous landfill
Looking for damage to the primary liner, technicians discovered three rips that roughly corresponded to teeth on a back-hoe.
The ‘Geosynthetic Lining Systems’ seminar series wraps up in Australia
UK Deploys Geotextile Flood Barriers
HDPE geosynthetics makes better roads
Talinga-Condabri Integrated CSG Water Management Plan
Leaking Concrete Tank fixed with reinforced Polypropylene Liner
Preprufe® Geomembrane incorporates Advanced Bond Technology, consists of layers of HDPE film, synthetic adhesives and a weather resistant coating, providing an impermeable barrier, in which water, salt and sulphates cannot pass.
Preprufe® demonstrates the importance of specifying a geomembrane which is fit for purpose, economically and environmentally sustainable
Liners for containing pollutants, using synthetic membranes: – Water Quality Protection Note 26
Saltwater Creek Landfill Extension Stage 7A, installation of HDPE liner, geotextile and GCL materials
Bob Koerner’s Webinar on Behavior and Analysis of 20 Solid Waste Landfill Failures completed
Key Findings were:
•Six of the 20 failures described in this webinar involved over 1,000,000 m3 of waste.
•Three of the failures involved deaths.
•7 of 11 unlined cases were rotational failures
•8 of 9 lined cases were translational failures
•Service lifetimes were from 1 week to decades
•Duration of failures was from 1 min. to a few hours
•Average height of waste mass was 26 m
•Height-to-length of failed waste was approximately 0.42
•Average density of waste was 12.1 kN/m3
•Average waste shear strength was 26° and 13 kPa
•Geomembrane shear strength varied from 5.1 to 16.2° (none were textured)
•Waste and/or liner shear strength was generally the greatest uncertainty
•Liquids were involved in all 20 cases; i.e., in the waste, liner system or foundation soil and was invariably the “trigger” causing failure
This webinar should convince all involved and interested in landfill technology of the serious implications of failure and of the necessity for proper design, filling, cover and maintenance practices.