Mining pond disaster investigation – Poor design (loaded the gun) and steep slope (pulled the trigger)
Performance/Durability of Polyurea Containment Liners versus Polyethylene Based Geomembranes (Free Download)
ExcelPlas Labs Develop ATR Method For Sampling Purity and Quality of Geomembranes
Oxidation, degradation, contamination, incorrect material could cause brittleness, cracks, and weakness of your geomembrane. Excelplas has developed a sample testing plan for these symptoms by analysing for these issues using single-bounce ATR. To identify the problem, we compare the sample to the reference material, identify unexpected components, and ensuring the material is fit for purpose. The method uses a FT-IR Spectrometer outfitted with an Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) sampling accessory with a single bounce diamond crystal, which is ideal for the analysis of black polyethylene geomembranes. Email: [email protected]
New Geosynthetics Field Guide Focused On Repeatable Quality
The Complete Field Guide to Ensuring Quality Geosynthetics Installations by Industry veteran Glen Toepfer of CQA Solutions
The book reveals the inner workings of geomembrane installations, including the delicate balance between maintaining quality while containing cost.
List of Geosynthetics Exhibitors Exhibiting at Portland Conference This Week (over 260 Exhibitors)
Next Generation GCLs with Polymer-Modified Bentonites for Extreme Environmental Applications
By Prof. Craig Benson, Ph.D., PE, NAE email: [email protected]
Is it Possible to Achieve Zero Leaks in Geomembrane-Lined Containment Systems Using Geoelectric Leak Location Surveys?
By Tim Bauters, PE, Ph.D. (Associate and Senior Consultant, Golder Associates): e-mail: [email protected]
New Products: RhinoSkin 30SG is a high strength reinforced polyolefin geomembrane specifically engineered for use as heavy duty liners
New Tender – Channel Remediation Lining Supply
The objective of this Request for Tender is to deliver a value for money solution for the supply and delivery of Channel Remediation HDPE Lining
Closing Date: 27-02-2015
New Tender – Transfield Services seeking tenders for Tender 1354 Channel Remdiation with HDPE Liners
New Brochure – Sealmac® – Maccaferri New Zealand, Ltd
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