Solmax Builds Innovative Ground Basin Heat Storage

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GNA – The Most Widely Read Online Geosynthetics Publication
Time Sensitive Messaging for the Global Geosynthetics Industry

NEWSMAKERS: * AGRU * Badass™ 300 * Canal Rehabilitation * China * Core & Main * ExcelPlas * David Beaumier * Demo Dave * Digital News * DM Solutions * Fibertex Nonwovens * GCTTG * GeoAsia8 * Geocells * GeoQuest * Geotextile Tubes * Geoweb® * GNA * G quadrat * Ground Basin Heat Storage (GBHS) * Landfill Gas * Microplastics * MSE Wall Failures * New York Canal * Renewable Energy * SAGEOS * Salient GeoEnvironmental * SKAPS Industries * SLR Consulting * Solmax * Terre Armee * Thrace * US Government Approved Suppliers Lists * Utkarsha Parikh * Valley Fill Leach Pad (VFLP) * Vanadium Oxide (VO) Nanoparticles * Veolia * Winfab

GNA is the Official Media Partner for GeoAsia8


Solmax Builds Innovative Ground Basin Heat Storage in its Front Yard with Funding from Federal Government [PDF]

Lawsuit Filed Against Fibertex Nonwovens for Alleged PFAS Contamination of Drinking Water

US Government Issues January 2025 Geosynthetic Materials Approved Suppliers List (Declassified)
Winners are Core & Main, Hanes, SKAPS, Solmax, Thrace and Winfab


The Ingenious Strategies Behind China’s Geosynthetics Success [PDF]

The Decline in Geomembrane Demand in China Due to a Shift Towards Incineration Technologies for MSW [PDF]


Landfill Gas Experts from Jacobs and SLR Consulting Battle it Out in the Veolia Court Case in the Supreme Court
Richard Evans (Jacobs) and Warren Pump (Salient GeoEnvironmental) were called to give evidence by the plaintiffs, with Anthony Lane (SLR Consulting called by the defendants (Veolia)

Judgement Published in Landfill case against Veolia (Declassified) [PDF]
Mr Pump acknowledged that geomembrane tears are likely to occur on a final cap placed over unsettled waste. He also acknowledged that settlement may have an adverse effect on a final cap and that the timing of the placement of the final cap should consider the rate at which settlement is occurring.


Agru & G quadrat: Durable Pit Thermal Energy Storages Using Functional Geomembranes [PDF]

New Generation of Durable and Safe Pit Thermal Energy Storage – PTES [PDF]


Demo Dave’s New Website in Now Live – The Geomembrane Welding Guru is Back !

The New Badass™ 300 Geomembrane Welding is Now Available

Presentation on MSE Wall Failures & Lessons Learned (Free Download)

Terre Armee Becomes Geoquest

Director of SAGEOS Geosynthetics Testing Laboratory David Beaumier Stepping Down

Interview with Managing Director · SKAPS Industries India (Mr. Utkarsha Parikh)

Phillip Island Residents at Risk Permanent Inundation Due to Coastal Erosion and Rising Sea Levels Call for Geotextile Sandbags
The community hope the state government will provide funding for geotextile sandbags to protect the beach and nearby homes.

Geotextiles Fingered as the Probable Source of Microplastics in a Rural River Sourced from the UK’s Largest Opencast Coal Mine
The microplastic fibres may have originated from the shedding of underground geotextiles used for soil stabilization, drainage, or erosion control that are used in and around mining sites and which commonly use PET polymers in their construction (European Environmental Agency, 2024).

New York Canal Rehabilitation Project Using Geomembranes – VIDEO

How to Combat Soft Shale Slope Erosion with the GEOWEB® Slope Protection System

Emerging Concerns Over Migration of Vanadium Oxide Nanoparticles in Landfills


GCL-LLDPE Geomembrane Interface Friction Angle Evaluation and Stability Analysis of a Valley Fill Leach Pad Project [PDF]


Wastewater Treatment with Geotextile Filters: The Role in Permeability and Pollutant Control

Effects of Permeable Geotextiles of Different Densities on Soil Cracking and Evaporation Behaviour

Experimental Study on Shear Behaviour of Geotextile Encased Lime Energy Column – Soil Interface in Degraded Permafrost Environment


GCL-LLDPE Geomembrane Interface Friction Angle Evaluation and Stability Analysis of a Valley Fill Leach Pad Project [PDF]

Environmental Sustainability Assessment of Geosynthetic Clay Liners (GCLs) (THESIS)


A Reinforced Earth Railway Embankment for A Coal Handling Plant

Effect of Temperature on Geogrid-Soil Interface Performance Based on Pull-out Test

Seismic Behaviour and Energy Evolution of High-fill Embankment Reinforced by Pile-Slab Structure and Geogrids on Slope Accumulation


An Experimental Study on Foam-Conditioned Soils for Application in EPBS Tunnelling

Geofoam Materials Utilization For Bridge Abutment Embankment Of The Trans Sumatra Toll Road: A Case Study

Novel Method to Predict the Efficiency of a Geofoam-filled Trench in Mitigating Ground Vibrations Within Layered Soil Using an Artificial Neural Network (ANN)

Field and Numerical Assessment of Geofoam Inclusion Behind a Rigid Cantilever Wall

Dynamic Properties of Geofoam (EPS) From Dry to Fully Saturated Conditions


Geotextiles Fingered as the Probable Source of Microplastics in a Rural River Sourced from the UK’s Largest Opencast Coal Mine
The microplastic fibres may have originated from the shedding of underground geotextiles used for soil stabilization, drainage, or erosion control that are used in and around mining sites and which commonly use PET polymers in their construction (European Environmental Agency, 2024).

Microplastic Human Dietary Uptake from 1990 to 2018 Grew across 109 Major Developing and Industrialized Countries but Can Be Halved by Plastic Debris Removal


New Webinar – Maximizing Ballast Life and Rail Performance with GEOWEB Geocells – Feb. 4


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ExcelPlas Geosynthetics Testing Expands Geosynthetic Testing Offerings
ExcelPlas now performs more than 120 standard geosynthetic tests in accordance with relevant  ASTM, GRI, and ISO standards. 
We have extensive experience with all types of geosynthetics – from geomembranes (HDPE, LLDPE, fPP), geotextiles to geonets, geogrids, geocomposites, and geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs).
As a Nationally Accredited Testing Laboratory, our technicians, equipment, and quality system are monitored regularly for proficiency and compliance assuring that you can count on quality results every time. 

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  • To promote and educate on the development of specifications and practices that help ensure the proper use of geosynthetics.
  • To locate, interpret and disseminate new scientific research to manufacturers and users of geosynthetic materials.
  • To enhance the knowledge and awareness of contemporary geosynthetic technologies amongst specifiers, users, and installers.

GNA – World’s Leading Source of Breaking News on Geomembranes, Geotextiles, and other Geosynthetics

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